Raising Awareness of Homelessness

‘Global Issues Badge’ Awarded
In an effort to help raise awareness of homelessness, Manna House was pleased to help two local Explorers gain an Activity Award this week. Tom and Aimee from 99th Berryhill Scout Group helped us by preparing ‘brew packs’ for our guests and their volunteering efforts helped them gain their Global Issues Badge. Well done Tom and Aimee!


Food glorious Food!

Manna House was delighted to receive an abundance of food, generously donated by the fellowship of The Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM) Stoke-on-Trent Branch, situated in Cheapside, Hanley. The leadership of the Church kindly dropped off their donation last week, following our Sunday morning Services.

© Manna House Registered Charity No. (England and Wales) 1147797